A fingerprint with a triangle

Description automatically generated



Andrés J. Washington


Fingerprint Geometric Analysis


A true scientist is above and beyond anything and everything

that would compromise a devotion to the discipline.


The Significance of Rare NCIC Fingerprint Classifications


The Smithsonian




David N. Dinkins




Journal of Biology and Medical Research




                                                        Issues and Developments in Medicine

                                                  and Medical Research

                                                Volume 5

 NCIC FPC Filing Sequence Formula Chapter 9

                                                                           February 2022


Billie Holiday’s Fingerprints

                                              Acta Scientific  

                                                 Medical Sciences

                                                   Volume 5 - Issue 11

                                                November 2021



The Fingerprints    of President Richard Nixon

                                             American Journal of

                                             Biomedical Science

                                             & Research


                                                                         N n Rosa Parks Fingerprints

                                      International Academic Journal of

                           Applied Bio-Medical Science


                               Volume 1 – Issue 2

                               November 12, 2020


The Fingerprint of President Dwight David Eisenhower

EC Psychology and Psychiatry

Volume 9 Issue 9 - August 2020



Jimi Hendrix Fingerprints - The Significant Details

eMedical Research

Volume 2 - August 2020 - Article ID: 100009


 Dermatoglyphics research for COVID-19

 International Journal of Molecular Biology: Open Access

 Volume 5 Issue 2 - May 2020


Out of this Whorl

EC Psychology and Psychiatry

Volume 9 Issue 3 - March 2020


The Right Little Fingerprint of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

American Journal of Biomedical Science & Research

Volume 7 Issue 2 – February 2020



Open Access Journal of Biomedical Science

Volume 1 Issue 1 – November 2019


My Theory (Conceptual Paper)

East African Scholars Journal of Education, Humanities and Literature

Volume 2 Issue 3 - March-2019


The Evolution of the Dermal Ridge Arrangements

EC Psychology and Psychiatry

Volume 8 Issue 3 – March 2019


The Fingerprints of President Ronald Wilson Reagan

and the Phenomenon of Coincidence of the Numerical Elements

Peer Reviewed Journal of Forensic & Genetic Sciences

Volume 3 Issue 1 - January 2019


Another Look at the Primary Classification

EC Psychology and Psychiatry

Volume 7 Issue 10 – September 2018


Letter to Editor-NCIC FPC Filing Sequence Formula

Forensic Science and Criminology

Volume 3 Issue 1 - February 2018


The Radial Loop Fingerprint Pattern

EC Psychology and Psychiatry

Volume 7 Issue 3 – March 2018


NCIC FPC Filing Sequence Formula

Medical and Clinical Archives

Volume 1 Issue 4 – November 3rd 2017


The Right Index Fingerprint of John Lennon


Volume 5 Issue 6 - October 2017


Fingerprint Geometric Analysis

International Journal of Criminal and Forensic Science

Volume 1 Issue 1 - September 2017


Commentary and Review on Sacred Geometry

Journal of Forensic Science & Criminology

Volume 4  Issue 5 – December 2016

Annex Publishers


The Hand Prints of Dr. Albert Einstein

Journal of Forensic Sciences & Criminal Investigation

Volume 1 Issue 1 – March 2016

Juniper Publishers


The Correlation between the Elevation of the Mental Manifestation

and the Phenomenon of the Dermal Ridge Arrangements

Forensic Research & Criminology International Journal

Volume 2 Issue 2 – February 2016



Sacred Geometry

Forensic Research & Criminology International Journal

Volume 2 Issue 2 – February 2016




Sacred Geometry

Journal of Forensic Research

Volume 6  Issue 5 - September 2015

OMICS International


Sacred Geometry

4th International Conference on

Forensic Research & Technology Page 13

September 28-30, 2015 Atlanta, USA


Fingerprint Diagonal Reverse Sequence Arrangement

Fingerprint Whorld

The International Journal of The Fingerprint Society

The Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences

Vol. 27 No. 105 July 2001 

The Fingerprint - Page 111-118


Letter to the Editor

Journal of Forensic Identification

Vol. 47 No. 1 January / February 1997

International Association for Identification


Letter to the Editor

Journal of Forensic Identification

Vol. 44 No. 2 March / April 1994

International Association for Identification


NCIC Fingerprint Filing Sequence Formula

Identification News

Volume XXXIII Number 2 - February 1983

International Association for Identification


Click here for the sacred geometry video.

Click here for the Sacred Geometry Page.

IAI Life Active Member


Favorite Links


Two Miracles Attributed to Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


Christine King Farris is the sister of Dr. MLK, Jr.  This is what had to say:

“Martin was an ordinary guy who did extraordinary things!”



 Rosa Parks Fingerprints


Click here to view a fingerprint of Muhammad Ali.  Reference is made to the book entitled Finger Prints, Palms and Soles by Harold Cummins, Ph.D. and Charles Midlo, M.D. in which it is indicated that those who display the arch pattern are ambitious in nature (page 281).     


Dermatoglyphics in Medicine


Dermatoglyphics - A Morphological Biomarker in Human Ailments: A Review


Fingerprint and Intelligence - What do the Studies Reveal?


A Correlational Study of Fingerprint Patterns (Epidermal Ridges) and the Logical Reasoning




Dermatoglyphics: Blueprints of Human Cognition on Fingerprints


Digital and Palmer Dermatoglyphic; A Bio-Indicator for Intelligence Quotient


Relationship between Palmar Dermatoglyphic Pattern and Academic Performance of Students in a Ghanaian Secondary School



Fingerprint Evidence


Click here to read about dermatoglyphics.


Click here to read about the Hand Prints of Dr. Einstein.

Click here to view the hand prints of Dr. Albert Einstein.


Click here to view the fingerprints of President Dwight David Eisenhower.


Click here to view a fingerprint of JFK.


Letter from Mayor Dinkins on the fingerprints of Malcolm X and John Lennon


Court decision on the fingerprints of Malcolm X and John Lennon


Click here to read about the fingerprints of Malcolm X.

Click here to view the fingerprints of Malcolm X.


This is the Henry Classification of John Lennon:

   16 M 11 R    OIM 12

   M 12 W      OII

Click here to read more!

John Lennon’s Fingerprints


The Correlation between the Elevation of the Mental Manifestation

and the Phenomenon of the Dermal Ridge Arrangements


Click here to calculate the percent frequency of a fingerprint pattern by the NCIC FPC.

Click here to calculate the NCIC FPC filing number.


NCIC Fingerprint Classification




Walt Disney

About Walt Disney’s right index fingerprint


My Theory


Jimi Hendrix Documents


Michael Jackson Fingerprints


Who is the bearer of this fingerprint?


 DNA Discovery from a Digital Photo of the Human Physical Substance



Our Mission Statement:

 An initiative to discover the unique

dermal ridge arrangements of learning

youth for placement into mentorship programs


Current Projects

NCIC FPC Filing Sequence Formula

A formula that can be used in a physiological study of the combination of

fingerprint patterns and their frequency for each digit

Click here to read the text on the NCIC FPC Filing Sequence Formula.

Click here for statistical data on female NCIC FPC frequencies.

Distribution of NCIC FPC Whorl Patterns Including 4,313,521 Females

Click here for statistical data on male NCIC FPC frequencies.

Distribution of NCIC FPC Whorl Patterns Including 17,951,192 Males


Click here to calculate the percent frequency of a pattern using the NCIC FPC.

                                                        Click here to determine the NCIC FPC filing number.




Click here to view the Primary Classification First Reference Sequence.


The Primary Classification First Reference Sequence


Manuscripts in Writing

The Geometrics of Fingerprints

Son of Confucius

The Phenomenon of Coincidence of the Numerical Elements


Personal Interests

I am using the dimensions of the base of the Great Pyramid Khufu at Giza Egypt to analyze fingerprints according to the Primary Classification in the Henry System of Fingerprint Classification and Filing.


Research on the correlation that exist between the elevation of the mental manifestation and the phenomenon of the dermal ridge arrangements.


My interest in the association * between diseases and the configuration of the friction ridge formations is also paramount.


New evidences of gene and environment interactions affecting prenatal neurodevelopment in schizophrenia-spectrum disorders-A family Dermatoglyphic study


Diagnosing Schizophrenia through Hand Analysis


Digito-palmar dermatoglyphics: variations and prediction of brain disorders


In the existence of the humankind, the lifespan of an individual is only a spark in the light of time.  And so the question is what should we do to make a difference so that our contribution to humanity will be remembered in a positive way?  


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Last Revised: 11th February 2024 =
