Dr. Albert Einstein's Pattern Frequency



               1           2          3          4           5  

Right     Whorl                  Whorl                     Loop                    Whorl                    Loop


Left          6          7           8           9         10


                                    Whorl                   Whorl                    Whorl                   Whorl                     Loop



Dr. Einstein's Primary Classification was 31 over 20.  This code has been calculated with the following numerical values assigned to the digits:


1 = 16, 2 = 16, 3 = 8, 4 = 8, 5 = 4, 6 = 4, 7 = 2, 8 = 2, 9 = 1 and 10 = 1


Each digit which displays a whorl pattern receives the numerical value assigned.  The total value of the even digits (displaying whorls) plus 1 is the numerator.  The total value of the odd digits (displaying whorls) plus 1 is the denominator.    Therefore the appearance of a whorl pattern on the following digits; 1,2,4,6,7,8 and 9 provides the primary classification of  31 over 20. 


Click here to view the geometric design which represents

Dr. Einstein's primary classification.


Copyright © Andres J. Washington
